miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

"I adore simple pleasures."-Oscar Wilde, 1876

“Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope. They are the elect to whom beautiful things mean only Beauty. There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.” 
 Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.


The Picture of Dorian Gray is my favorite book because is a novel that reflects the reality about society and how cruel they can be, by manipulating and criticizing others, but at the same time the fear of enjoying the pleasures of life.

The quote is written by an english writer called Oscar Wilde and is well said by Lord Henry, one of the main characters in the novel. " Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming" this means that in life, there are things that are presented to us, and it´s not always pleasures, it can be experiences, art, a book or a music but the important thing is who we use them and who we get inspired.

Not finding them a meaning, is like living your whole life in fear and boring because " those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the captivated" are the ones that know the real meaning of beauty, which means happiness. To be able to be this kind of people, you have to be free and enjoy the little things, even if they are bad because through the tragic comes the knowledge of all the pleasures and secrets.

There are certain types of things that we cannot talk about or do, for instance, having sex for pleasure; the society recognize this as being " immoral" but what is to act and being moral?. " There is not such thing as moral or immoral in a book. " This means that we do not have the obligation to listen to society,  we can be able to be free, and to talk, write, feel or act anything we want, because they're are not such thing as being moral or immoral, it depends on us.

I reflect myself in this quote because I tried to enjoy every aspect in life, no matter if it´s tragic or happiness, but to achieve this, I tried to don´t listen to society  because there ideas doesn't allow someone to be different. Maybe their intention it´s to help but at the end, they just demonstrate how afraid they are from life.

Oscar Wilde is one of my favorite authors because he stand up from his beliefs without caring what society thought about him. 
He was born in October 19, 1854 and died in November 30, 1900. He was well known as a extravagant man, he was arrested ones with the accusation of being homosexual.
 He was married with Constance Llyod and he had two sons: Cyril and Vyvyan.
Oscar Wilde´s work was based on novels and plays, mostly about criticizing society, that´s the reason his work will always be good, because no matter the time or years, his novels always will be present, and never forgotten.


Oscar Wilde, (2005) Biography.com [ on line] Available at:
http://www.biography.com/people/oscar-wilde-9531078 [ Consulted in April 24, 2013]

martes, 16 de abril de 2013




Okonkwo has everything planed when he returns to Umuofia, He have two more wives and two beautiful unmarried daughters.

He thought that he will caused an impact to the village, however this will not be possible because Umuofia change. The church had develop and grow in strength and the white men develop a juridical system to the village.

Okonkwo was very  mad because he couldn't believe that a strong people as Umuofia wouldn't exile the white men, but the event of Abame cause sadness and fear among the people. 

However, Akuna ( one of the clans leader) and Mr. Brown, the white missionary spend hours talking about religion, but the white missionary was a clever man because he began to learn about religion and who to manipulate the people of Umuofia. So he began to built schools and hospitals but Mr. Brown began to get ill so he was force to go away, and Mr Smith took his place.

Mr. Smith wasn't a clever man as Mr. Brown, he was very close minded and intolerant person, so he only knew one thing: black is bad and white is good. As time passed, more and more people began to convert, one of them was Enoch, he was an intolerant and selfish man who unmask an egwugwu during the annual ceremony to honor Mother Earth. The next day, egwugwu burn up the church.

Time passed and Mr. Smith talk to the District Commissioner; they

 talk to the clans leaders and Okonkwo was among them, the news 

was that they could allowed another violent crime as the egwugwu

 do, so they say that they had to pay two hundred fifty bags of cowries, if they didn't pay them, the leaders will be death.

The people of Umuofia decided to pay the fine.

After their release, the village began to get mad towards the white men, so they set up a meeting. The next morning, Okonkwo was enthusiastic and exited because he thought that his people finally will fight against the white men. He took out his war clothes and his machete, the began to remember his years of glory.

At the meeting, they were gather all the clan´s nine years; the first speaker began to lament about the damage caused by the church and the white men. He reminded the clan that is worth to fight against this injustice. In the middle of the speech, five court messengers were among the crowd so Okonkwo took his machete and kills one of them. The reaction of the crowd wasn't Okonkwo expectations, they allowed the messengers escaped and they began to question Okonkwo, why he killed a messenger? .

In that moment, Okonkwo understand that the people will never going to fight.

The District Commissioner began to search for Okonkwo, and the ones that didn't cooperate they will go to prision. Obierka and a group of men began to search for him and they found Okonkwo in a tree, he hanged himself.

Chebe,C.(1994).THINGS FALL APART. New York, Anchor-Books